Parkchester, The Bronx
Page 8
This page was last updated on: January 23, 2012
If you have any nice photos to post !! Charlie Jacobi
Elizabeth Feeley sent in these shots of how the Oval looked during the 2004 holiday . Thanks !
Lew Goodman sent in the next two photos. The first is the graduating class at P.S. 102, 1962, Lew is in the top row--7th from the left. The teacher is Jean Journer, who resided in
the north quadrant. Click the photo and a larger one will open in another window so you can see the faces better.
Here's Lew Goodman in September of 1954 in front of Jet Pharmacy, which at that time, was located on the west side of Unionport Road between Guerlain Street and East Tremont Ave. (a few doors away from the Palace Theater and Toy Sun restaurant). Look at all those great old ads in the window !!

From Fred Weller
Here is a picture of my kindergarten class at St. Helena's enjoying a Halloween party in 1947. I am the bemused drum major in the back row between the cowboy and the mustachioed pirate.
Unfortunately, I don't remember the names of any of the children but I do recall having a crush on the little blond girl by the upright.
This is the only photo I have of the class. A few months later my family moved to Long Island and I finished my kindergarten year at North Roslyn School.
Nevertheless, I was sufficiently impressed with St. Helena's and Parkchester that I have kept the photo for over 62 years. If you post it perhaps some of my former classmates will recognize these younger versions of themselves and will get a chuckle out of it.
Thanks for maintaining your website. It brings back a lot of memories.
Fred Weller